Thursday, August 26, 2010

NANPA Planning Letter (PL) Number 409 - Pennsylvania - NPA 272 to Overlay NPA 570

An all services overlay was approved by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) on 7/15, as the relief method for the existing 570 NPA. The new NPA, 272, and the existing 570 NPA will serve northeastern Pennsylvania (including Scranton, Williamsport and Wilkes-Barre).

The Commission provided "unique implementation interval requirements" necessitating NANPA to "provide a monthly report on the projected exhaust date of the 570 NPA based on actual carrier demand. When the PUC determines the 570 NPA is within 3-months of exhaust it will notify the industry to start customer education and permissive dialing." As a result, the implementation timeline has yet to be determined, and the only date identified is for all network preparation to be completed no later than 3/1/11.

Once the timeframe is made available, the dialing plan for 570/272 ("coincident with the introduction of mandatory 10-digit dialing") will be as follows:

  • Local & Toll Calls Terminating in Overlay Home NPAs (HNPAs) … 10-Digits (NPA-NXX-XXXX)*
  • Local & Toll Calls Terminating in Foreign NPA (FNPA) Outside Overlay … 1+ 10-Digits (1+ NPA-NXX-XXXX)
  • Operator Services HNPA or FNPA Call … 0+ 10-Digits (0+ NPA-NXX-XXXX)

"*1+10 digit dialing for all HNPA and FNPA calls permissible at service providers discretion."

International and domestic carriers should ensure network-wide activation of the new 272 NPA. A test number for routing verification will be available 90-days prior to the new NPA effective date. NANPA will provide another planning letter once timeline dates have been established. To view a 570/272 NPA overlay rate center map, or for additional information, please visit

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